My Photo Journalism photo was one of the pictures that made me feel as if I where a reporter caught up in the heat of the moment. It was a Saturday afternoon and my sister and me were at a Starbucks. Fortunately my sister had her Canon Rebel on her because she had just come back from a photo shoot and we had decided to stop for some coffee. All of a sudden we see tons of people outside marching down the street. We realized it’s a no on prop 8 peaceful protests. I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity for my Photo Journalism picture. My sister gave me a camera and we both started running fro the crowd, we began shooting as many pictures as we could. When we got back home we realized we took over a hundred pictures, all where very powerful images. I decided to use the one I chose because it shows how today’s youth stands up for what they believe in. This picture I believe shows how much we have changed as a society.